Recently Approved Grants
Human Sciences
Project Title | Grantee(s) | Project Leader(s) | Grant Amount |
Developing Belief: The Development and Diversity of Religious Cognition and Behavior: Phase 1
University of California, Riverside | Rebekah Richert; Kathleen Corriveau | $9,866,732 |
Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project Phase VI | Pew Charitable Trusts | Alan Cooperman | $2,446,900 |
Philosophy and Theology
Project Title | Grantee(s) | Project Leader(s) | Grant Amount |
Social virtue epistemology: What does it take to be an intellectually humble Socratic gadfly? | Macquarie University | Mark Alfano; Jay Van Bavel | $797,870 |
The Launch of MA & PhD Degrees in Philosophy and the Foundations of Science for Latin America | Asociación Civil de Estudios Superiores (ACES) | Claudia Vanney; Ignacio Silva | $510,112 |
The Global Philosophy of Religion Project | University of Birmingham | Yujin Nagasawa | $2,418,364 |
Public Engagement
Project Title | Grantee(s) | Project Leader(s) | Grant Amount |
Developing the Exploration of Big Questions with Under 18s in the UK and Internationally | The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion | Lizzie Henderson; Stephanie Bryant | $708,130 |
Cultivating Virtue at the Congregational Level: An Ecclesial Theology of Love, Hope, and Humility | Society for the Advancement of Ecclesial Theology | Todd Wilson | $1,017,593 |
Fiat Lux: The Word on Fire Institute on Science and Religion | Word on Fire Catholic Ministries | Jared Zimmerer | $1,165,640 |
Character Virtue Development
Project Title | Grantee(s) | Project Leader(s) | Grant Amount |
Supporting Character Strengths in Youth: An Exploration of Parenting Strategies in Communities of Color | The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | Kenneth Ginsburg; Joanna Williams | $234,054 |
Individual Freedom & Free Markets
Project Title | Grantee(s) | Project Leader(s) | Grant Amount |
The Future of Free Speech: Rebuilding the Bulwark of Liberty | Justitia | Jacob Mchangama | $1,287,131 |
Recently Featured Grants
Accurately Measuring Religious Belief and Attitudes Around the World |
Space and Time After Quantum Gravity |
Mental Healthcare, Virtue, and Human Flourishing |
Grantees in the News